rising adj. 1.上升的;渐渐上升的(坡等)。 2.上涨的;腾贵的;增大的,增加的;涨水的。 3.升进的;新进的,前途有望的(作家等);如日之升的,勃兴的,正在发展中的。 the rising sun 朝日。 a rising ground 台地。 a rising market 上涨的行情。 a rising novelist 新进小说作家。 the rising generation 年轻的一代。 (年龄)将近…的;〔美口〕(数量)不下…的;…以上的,超过…的。 He is rising ten. 他快十岁了。 R- (of) a thousand men were killed. 一千以上的人被杀害了。 n. 1.上升;起床;起立;出现;苏醒,复活。 2.坡,坡地;高地。 3.起义,反抗。 4.〔方言〕瘤,疮肿,疙瘩。 5.闭会,散会。 the rising of the sun 日出。 the rising of the mother 子宫病;歇斯底里。
tide n. 1.潮,潮汐,涨潮时。 2.消长,盛衰。 3.潮流,趋势,倾向,形势,时机,机运。 4.【矿山】班,十二个钟头。 5.时期,季节。 6.(宗教上的)节期〔通例用作复合词〕 。 Christmas tide 圣诞节节期。 at high [low] tide 处于高[低]潮。 ebb [flood] tide 落[涨]潮。 the flowing [rising] tide 涨潮。 the ebbing [falling] tide 退潮。 spring [neap] tide 大[小]潮。 The tide is in [out or down 或 coming in, going out] 现在是涨潮[落潮]。 The tide is making [ebbing]. 潮正在涨[落]。 attempt to go against the tide of history 倒行逆施。 catch the tide 抓住时机,趁机。 full tide of pleasure 欢乐的绝顶。 go with the tide 随大流,赶潮流,顺应潮流。 roll back the tide of war 击退侵略。 save the tide 趁涨潮进出港口。 swim with the tide 随大流,随波逐流。 tail to the tide (船只停泊中)随潮起伏。 take fortune at the tide=take the tide at the flood 及时利用时机,因利乘便。 The tide turns. 形势经常在变化 (The tide turned to [against] him. 形势变得对他有利[不利])。 work double tides 昼夜工作,日夜苦干。 vi. 1.顺应潮水航行。 2.像潮水般汹涌(高涨,奔流)。 vt. 1.使随潮水漂行。 2.克服。 The General Meigs is tiding into (out of) the harbor. 梅格斯将军号在趁潮进港(出港)。 The money is enough to tide him over the difficulties. 这笔钱足够他度过难关了。
High tide : the maximum height reached in a rising tide 涨潮:潮水上涨至最高时的高度。
A rising tide lifts all boats , but not all spirits 水涨船高,但并不能带动所有人情绪的提升。
For them , it must seem these days that a rising tide lifts only all yachts 对他们来说,涨潮的日子里带起的惟有那些游艇而已。
It is easy to assume , with globalisation , that a rising tide lifts all boats 人们总是简单假设,随着全球化进程,所有人的财富都会如同水涨船高般增长。
Flutter has a critical bearing on the design of suspension bridges that in the rising tide in china 目前,我国正处于悬索桥修建的高潮,而颤振是控制其设计的一个关键问题。
The rising tides would have brought in the sands , and the mud and plant matter would have settled out as the tides receded 上涨的潮水带来沙粒,而当潮水退去,泥土和植物就沉淀下来。
Singapore is part of this rising tide . in consequence , many bright young people have given up their secure jobs to join in the race 新加坡也投入这一潮流,致使众多青年才俊放弃稳定的工作而加入网络竞赛。
He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being 疲倦象涨潮一样,从他身体的各处涌上来,但是他刚强地打起精神,绝不让这种令人窒息的疲倦把他淹没。
the occurrence of incoming water (between a low tide and the following high tide); "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -Shakespeare 同义词:flood tide, flood,